Sunday, March 8, 2009


Ayesha Ava H. Baltazar - my very own daughter, is one of the best dancers that the troupe had. The most diligent, persevering, "masunurin", never it because the trainor (which is her own mother) is so strict..?? hehehe..
She started dancing when she was in pre-school at Grace Christian, a stone-throw away from Divine Word College (home of Gamay Dagyaw).
This photo was taken during their class convocation (?) grade 1 (1987??) in DWC, doing a creative dance..depicting friendship/courtship w/c started from the boy accidentally tipping over the bilao full of veggies the girl sells..
From then on Ayesha, who i call Apple, had been dancing with the Gamay Dagyaw throughout her GS & HS days in the Divine Word College of San Jose. Her batch had won 2 grand prizes in the division-wide dance competition. One during their GS days (5th grade) the innovative PANGALAY..and the other when she was in HS (1st year) with their contest piece MANGYAN DANCE and TINIKLING. Graduating from HS she was offered a slot to be a members of the Philippine Bayanihan Dacne Company when one of the senior member of the company spotted her when she performed during the Bb. San Jose pageant way back..but she declined for the reason that she wouldn't like studying in Manila, dahil mainit at mausok whehe.. She preferred to go to Baguio gone is my dream to see apple in the Bayanihan Dance Co.

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