Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Lem for short, son of the ever sungit na mother of the best male dancers the Gamay Dagyaw has. He's friendly, sweet, but tough too. A reptile-lover, he's got rain and rust, ask him what those are. I vividly remember one particular dance he did, the "Sayaw Sa Bangko" where in its original version a couple dances on top of a bench, just one bench..but in his version, he & his partner danced on a bench placed on top of 4 other benches. He outbalanced and fell (he did that falling part in a graceful manner whoa..! would u believe that?) and the next thing u knew is that he's on the top again climbing up the levels in one graceful sweeping movement.

He had been dancing with the group till he graduated HS.

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