Friday, March 13, 2009

MARJORIE GRACE MAGCAMIT - marj to many of elegant dancer of the group. Smart, sweet, quiet (???) only if she doesn't feel at ease hahaha..there's a lot one can say about this girl. A combination of beauty, brain, and sweetness to mention a few. what more can you ask for?

She played the mother hen in the best dance i ever taught the group, the "BINAYLAN BANOG"..hmm..hold on, i take that back..because as far as i'm concerned all the dances i taught them were BESTS..nobody could ever top the performances marj and her batch had presented.

VICTORIA UNGRIA - the dimpled girl and one of the bests of Gamay Dagyaw, palatawa, makwento, never a dull moment when she's with you.

She had been one of the chicks in the dance "BINAYLAN BANOG" one of the great dances Gamay has ever done. During those days whenever you hear joyful laughter and giggles one thing sure vic vic is in the midst .

I love to reminisce the days that i have been with her and all the others in her batch.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Christina Castillo

Chie for short - ANG PINAKAMAGANDANG LAWIN sa balat ng lupa..!!

If you had seen her portraying the role of the ferocious hawk in the dance "Binaylan Banog" you won't help but admire her. The dance that has been performed so well you wouldn't believe it that it's a local dance troupe from the Divine Word College of San Jose performing.

A jolly girl, with an eveready smile and giggles, you'll sure fall for her when you see her and happen to be with her.

One of the bests Gamay Dagyaw ever had..
Gen for short or Bebs as we fondly call her, a funny-boned girl full of humourous stuffs to tell, one of the bests of the Gamay Dagyaw..She was one of the chicks in the dance "Binaylan Banog" which had been one of the great dances Gamay Dagyaw had ever done. It is about the mother hen protecting her chicks from a feroucious hawk who has her claws ready to pounce on the lovable chicks. This dance had won the Division Level dance competition and was well applauded not just because of the beauty of the dance itself but also of the boys and girls who portrayed this dance drama.

Bebs is one of those dancers that you would not tire listening to or be with.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Lem for short, son of the ever sungit na mother of the best male dancers the Gamay Dagyaw has. He's friendly, sweet, but tough too. A reptile-lover, he's got rain and rust, ask him what those are. I vividly remember one particular dance he did, the "Sayaw Sa Bangko" where in its original version a couple dances on top of a bench, just one bench..but in his version, he & his partner danced on a bench placed on top of 4 other benches. He outbalanced and fell (he did that falling part in a graceful manner whoa..! would u believe that?) and the next thing u knew is that he's on the top again climbing up the levels in one graceful sweeping movement.

He had been dancing with the group till he graduated HS.

Min for short is one of the brain and beauties of the Gamay Dagyaw, adjectives are not enough to describe her. Just look at the face and spend time with her and you'll discover a good person within.. She performed a lot of times with the group that i can't recall in w/c dance did she do her best, because she has been great in all her performances.


Aileen from Caminawit is one of the bests of Gamay Dagyaw..i remember we used to take her home on the PALPAK jeep after performances, with everyone insisting on her being the first to be taken home for the ride since their house is the farthest. She's talented and witty and sweet.

Nesse - daughter of Sir Jun and the late Ate Evs, is kind and gentle girl, as in un bang parang wala syang kayang awayin or pasamain ang loob. She's sweet.
She had her toes dancing with the Gamay Dagyaw since her 3rd grade. She started with the "Bendean" a dance from BIBAK (Bontoc, Ifugao, Benguet, Apayao & Kalinga) of the mountain province. Ness and the group of GS members had performed this dance in different occasions not only in the school but in the community as well.


Jhie for short, has been one of the very first dancers way back when the dance troupe has no official name yet. He's one cool guy, very funny, very honest, and napakabait.. Be prepared to laugh your heart out when he's around.

His favorite partner back then was Honey Acebedo.

BIENVENIDO BARRIOS JR. Bien is a cool guy. .as far as i remember he's one of those few persons who are honest. he's got command, a tough guy when he was still in HS but you won't believe it..HE DANCES..!! and very good at it.

Monday, March 9, 2009


Cecil Castillo - from Magsaysay. Charming and sweet. Somewhat mahiyain but a good dancer.


Pilipino American Cultural Arts Society - based in Maryland although its membership expands to the Washington, DC metropolitan area. PACAS is comprised of families of diverse ethnicity. The major focus of the organization is the youth ranging in ages from 5 years and above.

Sunday, March 8, 2009



Ayesha Ava H. Baltazar - my very own daughter, is one of the best dancers that the troupe had. The most diligent, persevering, "masunurin", never it because the trainor (which is her own mother) is so strict..?? hehehe..
She started dancing when she was in pre-school at Grace Christian, a stone-throw away from Divine Word College (home of Gamay Dagyaw).
This photo was taken during their class convocation (?) grade 1 (1987??) in DWC, doing a creative dance..depicting friendship/courtship w/c started from the boy accidentally tipping over the bilao full of veggies the girl sells..
From then on Ayesha, who i call Apple, had been dancing with the Gamay Dagyaw throughout her GS & HS days in the Divine Word College of San Jose. Her batch had won 2 grand prizes in the division-wide dance competition. One during their GS days (5th grade) the innovative PANGALAY..and the other when she was in HS (1st year) with their contest piece MANGYAN DANCE and TINIKLING. Graduating from HS she was offered a slot to be a members of the Philippine Bayanihan Dacne Company when one of the senior member of the company spotted her when she performed during the Bb. San Jose pageant way back..but she declined for the reason that she wouldn't like studying in Manila, dahil mainit at mausok whehe.. She preferred to go to Baguio gone is my dream to see apple in the Bayanihan Dance Co.
Vega Apigo - a Gamay since 3rd grade (1989??). One of the bests in her batch. Quiet, intelligent and persevering girl..and sweet taken on 01-31-09 in Washington D.C. on our way to Virginia for Boyet & Gigi's miracle baby Jacob's 1st birthday party.

Saturday, March 7, 2009


Bayanihan; A Filipino word which describes good relationships among communities. True to its name, the group worked hard together to preserve and introduce indigenous dances magnificently garnering them a spot in the list of the BESTS in the Philippines...
The Bayanihan was founded in 1957 by Hon. Helena Z. Benitez, former chairperson of the Philippine Women's University. During their debut at the Brussels World Fair on May 27 they were adjudged top among 13 countries. Since then, the company has mounted fourteen major world tours and more than 100 short tours.
A multi-awarded company nationally and internationally, The Bayanihan has awakened a new pride among Filipino in their cultural heritage, added a new dimension to the country's dance tradition and built a rich reserve of international good will.
Bayanihan Philippine National Folk Dance Company
Susie Benitez, Executive Director
Isabel A. Santos, Artistic Director
"Maglangka" - performed by the St. Scholastica's College High School Dance Troupe when they presented a dance production entitled "Sayaw...Alay...Dance as an offering Offering to the Creator" which was held at St. Ehrentrudis Hall on February 3, 2006.

This dance literally means to dance and dance has been the tool to mold an adolescent Tausug girl inot a person of good breeding and an accomplished dancer as well. Starting young, they are left under the tutelage of a strict but undrstanding Maglangka teacher who herself learned the rudiments of good breeding from even stricter teachers. the HS Dance Troupe Moderator is Hazel Iines Jordan.